If you've been following my Facebook page, you probably know that for the last few months I've been working on redesigning the TouchDRO adapters for Shahe and iGaging scales to use the ESP32 microcontroller module. The work started around the end of December of 2020 and at this point, I have gone through a couple of iterations. After a lot of testing and tweaking, I'm finally pretty happy with the performance of the new iGaging scale adapter, and all of the parts appear to finally be in stock; so, I will be finally placing an order for the first production run; Shahe version is still a few weeks out. If things go as planned, I should have the iGaging adapters ready for sale by the end of May. The technical details will be posted on the product page; so, in this post, I want to address some of the questions that came up so far or I anticipate will come up as the adapter is available for sale.